Bearly Used is located on Main Street in Park Rapids, MN. The store is a popular stop amongst locals and town visitors. Bearly Used employs Hubbard County DAC clients to help with sorting items, stocking shelves, pricing and more.
Employee’s have the right to turn down donations if they are not in clean, sellable condition.
What We Accept:
Apparel & shoes
Books, movies, & games
Small Household Appliances
Jewelry & Accessories
Linen & Bedding
Small Electronics
What We Do Not Accept:
Soiled Apparel & Shoes
Exercise Equipment
Medical Equipment
Mattresses OR Box Springs
Infant/Child Equipment such as:
crib, car seats, highchairs, pack n’ plays, and strollers
Weapons or Explosives
Construction Materials
Hazardous waste or items containing hazardous waste, such as: computers, TVs, monitors, stereos, or answering machines
Flammable Products
Monday – Saturday 10:00am – 5:00pm