BI-CAP Bemidji Location: 6603 Bemidji Avenue North Bemidji MN 56601 OR PO Box 579 Bemidji MN 56619
Telephone: 218-751-4631 or 1-800-332-7161
BI-CAP Walker Location: 8245 Industrial Park Road NW Walker MN 56484
Mailing address: PO Box 995 Walker MN 56484
Telephone: 218-547-3438 or 1-800-332-7135
Supportive Housing Program: Rental Assistance, Family Homeless Prevention, Transitional Housing, Housing Locator Program, Emergency Solutions Housing, HUD Scattered Site Housing, Long Term Homeless Rental Assistance, Permanent Supportive Housing.
Weatherization: A variety of options that work to improve the energy efficiency and safety of existing housing.
Energy Assistance: Financial assistance to help pay a portion of home energy and heating bills; income eligibility guidelines apply.
Energy Crisis Program: Financial response to a heating emergency
Energy Related Repair: for homeowners experiencing a life threatening no-heat emergency.
Youth Build: An educational program for ages 16-24 who have left the traditional school system. Providing an opportunity for youth to spend 32 hours per week in academics, leadership development, and construction training.
YouthBuild is located at 3023 Mill Street NE Bemidji MN 56601.
Head Start and Early Head Start (EHS) : Prenatal, infant toddler, preschool and family development program providing may free services to eligible families.
BI-CAP Head Start Locations:
Bemidji: 1603 Bemidji Avenue NW Bemidji MN 56601
Blackduck: 372 Summit Ave W, Blackduck, MN 56630 / 218-835-7164
Kelliher: 345 4th St NW Kelliher, MN 56650 (co-located with Kelliher schools)
Walker: 301 4th Street Walker MN 56484 (co-located with Walker schools)
Pine River: 401 Murray Avenue Pine River, MN 56474 (co-located with Pine River schools) / 218-947-4813
Regular Office Hours:
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Summer Operating hours may be different; call ahead.