Voyageurs Area Council Contact Information
Voyageurs Area Council
3877 Stebner Road
Hermantown, MN, 55811
Go to our website to e-mail us.
Scouts do stuff. They build things. Play with purpose. Make friends and work together. Set goals and achieve them. They go places. Physically. Mentally. Spiritually. These life-changing experiences — and the confidence they provide — form a foundation a Scout can stand on to embrace opportunity and overcome obstacles in life.
Benefits of Scouting
Scouting provides experiences that help prepare youth for their future. Scouting helps youth develop academic skills, self-confidence, ethics, leadership skills, and citizenship skills that influence their adult lives.
Scouting fosters the spirit of discovery for future innovators and leaders by investing in new and relevant programs such as STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). These programs also provide youth with a platform to learn important life skills that help them combat major societal concerns.
Scouting provides youth with programs and activities that allow them the opportunity to :
Try new things
Provide service to others
Build self-confidence
Reinforce ethical decision making
Scouting Programs and Information:
Awards and Recognition
Boy Scouting Program
Cub Scouting Program
Exploring Program
Learning For Life Program
Order of the Arrow
Varsity Scouting Program
Venturing Program
Chartered Organizations
Community-based organizations receive national charters to use the Scouting program as a part of their own youth work. These groups, which have goals compatible with those of the BSA, include religious, educational, civic, fraternal, business, and labor organizations; governmental bodies; corporations; professional associations; and citizens’ groups