All Club activities support youth development in at least one of three key program areas:
- Academic success to help youth achieve academic goals, stay in school, explore career interests, learn new skills and consider post-secondary education options.
…Project Learn engages Club members in tutoring, homework help, service projects and fun learning activities.
…Power Hour, ages 6-18, time set aside for working on homework, every day after school.
…Tutoring, ages 6-18, trained tutors work with Club members in specific subject areas.
….Bemidji Area Reading Canines, ages 6-12, read aloud to a specially trained dog to help youth build confidence in their reading skills.
….Technology Lab, ages 6-18, builds digital literacy by teaching kids how to use basic software and be safe online.
….Career Launch, ages 14-18, provides a range of services to guide Club members as they work toward high school graduation and prepare for post-secondary education and career success.
….Money Matters, ages 6-18, builds basic personal money management skills, including budgeting, saving and investing.
….National Fine Arts, ages 6-18, encourages artistic expression through drawing, painting, printmaking, photography, collage, mixed media and sculpture.
2. Healthy lifestyles to help youth engage in positive behaviors that nurture well-being, set personal goals and grow into self-sufficient adults, including daily physical activity, healthy food choices and an appreciation for the outdoors.
….Triple Play activities promote a healthy mind, body and soul.
….Healthy Habits, ages 6-18, incorporates healthy living and active learning in every part of the Club experience with an emphasis on good nutrition, regular physical activity and improving overall well-being.
….Club greenhouse, ages 6-18, on-site greenhouse engages youth in gardening, including cultivation and harvesting, planning healthful meals and snacks and selling fresh produce to area businesses and the Bemidji School District.
….Laketrails, ages 12-18, introduces up to 15 Club members to the wilderness with an eight-day canoeing adventure on Lake of the Woods.
….Goals for Growth, ages 6-12, builds skills needed to set and achieve goals and maintain motivation.
….SMART Moves, ages 6-18, helps youth resist the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, and avoid premature sexual activity.
….Leadership Club, ages 12-18, engages Club members in leadership within the Club. Participants assist Club staff in the gym, game room and kitchen and volunteer within the Club and the community.
3. Character and leadership to empower youth to become engaged in the Club and the community, sustain meaningful relationships, respect one another and participate in the democratic process.
….Torch Club, ages 11-13, a small-group leadership and service club that focuses on service to Club and community, education, health and fitness and social recreation. Clubs can compete nationally for service awards.
….Keystone Club, ages 13-18, provides teens an opportunity to gain leadership and service experience as they conduct activities in three areas: academic success, career exploration and community service.
….Youth of the Year, ages 14-18, to recognize a teen Club member who exemplifies excellence in service to the Club, commitment to community and family, academic success, strong moral character, life goals and public speaking.
….Youth for Unity, ages 6-18, promotes and celebrates diversity while combating prejudice, bigotry and discrimination. Youth of all ages learn to appreciate themselves as unique and special individuals, understand diversity in society, recognize bias and unfairness and take personal leadership confronting bias.
….Year of Service Initiative, ages 6-18, focuses on a variety of events that provide opportunities for youth to engage as volunteers in the community or at the Club.
Club Hours for all members:
2:40pm -6:00 p.m., M-F
Summer hours
12:30-5:30 p.m., M-F
Administrative hours
9 a.m.- 5 p.m., M-F
Weather closings: We follow ISD 31 for weather closings.