Civil Air Patrol (CAP), the official U. S. Air Force Auxiliary, is a civilian, volunteer, nonprofit, service organization with almost 62,000 members nationwide. Minnesota is home to 21 Squadrons across the state. CAP Corporation and its members own and operate more than 500 light aircraft, the world’s largest civilian fleet, and volunteers fly about 140,000 hours each year on CAP missions.
CAP won fame during World War II for its coastal patrol and other all-volunteer civilian defense activities. Today, CAP members perform more than 95 percent of inland search and rescue missions as tasked by the Air Force Rescue Coordination Center. CAP also conducts a wide variety of emergency service missions including disaster relief and counter-drug activities.CAP volunteers take a leading role in aerospace education and conduct one of America’s finest youth programs, the Civil Air Patrol Cadet Program.
The Cadet Program is open to youth ages 12-18 years of age. Cadets have opportunities to participate in many activities including search and rescue, disaster relief, survival training, radio communications, land navigation, model rocketry, leadership training, first aid, physical fitness, orientation flights (aboard a CAP or military aircraft) and much more.
Civil Air Patrol instills the organization’s Core Values in its cadets — integrity, volunteer service, excellence and respect. CAP’s 23,000 cadets are drug-free role models in their communities and schools. The cadet program also offers youth in-depth training in leadership and enables them to apply classroom principles to real-world needs.
You don’t have to be a pilot or need military experience to join Civil Air Patrol. Civil Air Patrol re also not obligated to join any branch of the military service.