Court Administration 218-333-4120
Driver’s License Exams/Driving Tests 218-333-4148
Driver’s License/ATV/Birth/Death/Marriage Certificates/Notary/ID cards 218-333-4148
Extention/4H 218-444-5722
Law Enforcement:
Bemidji Police: Accident Reports and Background Checks 218-333-4187
Beltrami County: Non-emergency 218-333-9111 / 1-888-449-9111
Adult and Juvenile Misdemeanor Supervision 218-333-4169
Adult Felony Supervision 218-308-2599 / 218-308-2598
Juvenile Corrections 218-333-4169
Public Transit/Paul Bunyan Transit 218-751-8765
Rule 25 and Chemical Dependency Assessment 218-333-4223
Social Services:
Administration 218-333-4223
Adult Services/Behavioral Health 218-333-4223
Adult Intake 218-333-8246
Child Protection/Intake and Assessments 218-333-8245
Child Support 218-333-8300
Family Health 218-333-8140
Home Care and Managed Care 218-333-4223
Income Maintenance 218-333-8140
Public Health/WIC 218-333-8140
Supervised Release or Parole STS Contacts Northern Region 218-308-2599
Veteran’s Services 218-333-4177
Workforce Center 218-333-8200