When caring for yourself or your loved one becomes too difficult, living alone is no longer appealing, mowing your own lawn, or making your own meals is too trying, contact us at GoldPine Home for a tour and personalized needs assessment.
As a state-certified assisted-living facility, we specialize in providing short-term and long-term care for community seniors who cannot or no longer want to live alone.
Philosophy of GoldPine Home
GoldPine Home believes that quality healthcare is a basic right. We believe in providing an environment that focuses on resident choice and independence while maintaining safety and family involvement. We see staff, residents, their families, and ourselves as a unique diverse family. As with all families communication is key to a valuable united experience, so another focus is maintaining open lines of communication. That said we strive to make necessary services available in a comprehensive, coordinated manner. We will fulfill needs with our current staffing or contact other community services as needed. To summarize, our total focus is on meeting the needs of our elders through compassionate and individualized care.
So, when you are looking for a 24-hour assisted-living facility, there is one company you can trust, GoldPine Home. With our preplanned activities we guarantee you will have the time of your life.
24 hour on-site licensed staff
24 hours/day RN on call
24 hours a day