Areas Served
Leech Lake Reservation, Cass County, Beltrami County, Hubbard County & Itasca County
Title III. Congregate Meals
Meal provision to an elderly client or other eligible participant at a nutrition site, senior center or some other congregate setting.
Eligibility Requriements
Persons who are 60+ years of age or older and spouse, regardless of age and other eligible individuals.
Documents Requested
- Proof of age
- Proof of residency
Intake Procedure
Walk-in or call for more information
None, contributions are accepted.
Guests can eat for the cost of $4.50.
Title III. Home Delivered Meals
Meal provision to an elder or other eligible participant at the client’s place of residence.
Eligibility Requriements
Home delivered meal recipients must be 60 years of age or older, home bound by reason of illness, disability or functional need, and unable to prepare their own meals. Meals may be made available to individuals with disabilities who reside in a non-institutional household with and are accompanied by an individual eligible for congregate meals.
Documents Requested
- Proof of age
- Proof of residency
Intake Procedure
Walk-in or call for more information
None, contributions are accepted.
Title VI. Congregate and Home Delivered Meals
Eligibility will include enrolled members of any recognized tribe aged 55-59 years or over within the program service area. Eligibility will include spouse, handicapped or disabled individual in the same household of the eligible participant who accompany participant to a congregate site.
Documents Requested
- Proof of age
- Proof of residency
Intake Procedure
Walk-in or call for more information
None, contributions are accepted.
Title VI. Part C – Caregiver Program
Hours 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Native American Family Caregiver Support Program Requirements
Native American Family Caregiver Support Program can serve two types of unpaid family caregivers:
- Family caregivers: An adult family member, or another individual, who is an unpaid informal provider of in-home and community care to an older individual or to an individual with Alzheimer’s disease or a related disorder with neurological and organic brain dysfunction.
- Grandparents or older individuals who are relative caregivers: A grandparent or step grandparent of a child, or relative of a child by blood marriage, or adoption, who is 55 years of age or older and
- lives with the child;
- is the primary caregiver of the child because the biological or adoptive parents are unable or unwilling to serve as the primary caregiver of the child; and
- has a legal relationship to the child, as such legal custody or guardianship, or is raising the child informally.
The five required services are:
- Information to caregivers about available services.
- Assistance to caregivers in gaining access to services.
- Individual counseling, organization of support groups, and caregivers training to assist the caregivers in the area of health, nutrition, and financial literacy, and in making decisions and solving problems relating to their caregiving roles.
- Respite care to enable caregivers of frail elders to be temporarily and intermittently relieved from their cargiving responsibilities.
- Supplemental services, on a limited basis, to caregivers of frail elders to complement the care provided by caregivers.
Documents Requested
- Proof of age
- Proof of residency
Intake Procedure
Walk-in or call for more information
Satellite Sites
Ball Club ENP
31027 Artic Drive
Ball Club, MN
(218) 246-8537
Bena/Sugar Point ENP
15085 Old Housing Drive
Bena, MN
(218) 665-5313
Cass Lake ENP
6216 Upper Cass Frontage Road
Cass Lake, MN
(Adjacent to Teal’s – across highway 2)
(218) 335-8314
Inger/S. Lake ENP
53736 Co. Rd. 146
Inger, MN
(218) 659-2652
Onigum ENP
8826 Onigum Road
Onigum, MN
(218) 547-3995
Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:30pm