“CareerForce is made up of an extensive network of partners throughout MN dedicated to assisting career seekers and employers with their employment needs. Services can be accessed online at CareerForceMN.com or locally at one of 2 Bemidji offices. Services include job search and career planning assistance, training support for eligible individuals and employers, regional experts in labor market information and workforce strategies, Veteran’s and Vocational Rehabilitation Services, and programs for youth and seniors. Rural Minnesota Concentrated Employment Program (rmcep.com) is a CareerForce partner located at 2300 24th Street Northwest, Bemidji (Westridge). Workforce Impact (click on tab for Workforce Impact) is a CareerForce partner located at 616 America Avenue (downtown), The MN Department of Employment and Economic Development is also a partner located downtown. If you are an employer with hiring or training needs, or a job seeker who could benefit from resume assistance, training or career exploration, connect with a professional through Careerforcemn.com/bemidji!”
Notice: this is not an unemployment office. Unemployment is applied for online through the department of employment and economic development at uimn.org People wishing to apply for unemployment, may request access to a computer at the MN Career Force.
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.