Northern Cass Developmental Achievement Center and Developmental Achievement Center Bemidji

8059 County 12 NW , PO Box 1329 Walker MN 56484
8059 County 12 NW , PO Box 1329 Walker Minnesota 56484 US

We are a non-profit organization serving adults with developmental disabilities

The Northern Cass Developmental Achievement Center and Developmental Achievement Center – Bemidji are 501 (c)3 non-profit, licensed day training and habilitation centers that offer vocational training and community job placements, as well as recreational and social opportunities, to adults with developmental disabilities.

Our services are funded through the Minnesota Department of Health, individual counties and school districts. We serve a total of 85 clients, from age 16 to age 78, with abilities ranging from problem-solving resourcefulness to steadfast determination and disabilities ranging from cerebral palsy to pervasive developmental disorders like Asperger’s syndrome and autism.


8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday

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8059 County Road 12 NW, Walker, MN 0 km
We are a non-profit organization serving adults with developmental disabilities The Northern Cass...
508 8th St, Walker, MN 56484, USA 0.55 km
(218) 547-1116(218) 547-1116
Senior Center in which Lutheran Social Services provides lunch every day at 11:30
PO Box 1518 , Walker MN 56484 0.79 km
Foster Grandparent: Make a lasting difference in the lives of children and youth. Our Foster Gran...
PO Box 1527, 102 8th St. North Walker, MN 56484 0.86 km
24/7: 1-800-712-435724/7: 1-800-712-4357
24/7 TEXT: HELPLINE 313131
Since opening in 2010, the Walker Area Pregnancy Support Center has been dedicated to supporting ...
8243 Industrial Park Rd NW, Walker, MN, USA 0.98 km
The Walker Area Food Shelf is a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting individuals who ar...
210 Pleasant Ave SE, Akeley, MN 56433 14.06 km
Akeley Regional Community Center is a not for profit thrift store.  Many new items come to the th...
The ARCC Emergency Shelter’s mission is to provide safe shelter and supportive services to thos...
6 Broadway St E, Akeley, MN, USA 14.46 km
155 1st Ave NE, Laporte, MN, USA 17.85 km
The Door Coffeehouse and Temporary Emergency Shelter provides shelter for people needing a place ...
315 Main Street West, Laporte MN 56461 17.86 km
See website for contact information, programs and specifics.
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150 2nd St NW, Laporte, MN / Trinity Lutheran Church 17.9 km
Emergency food Also has Meals on Wheels, no requirements
Hackensack, MN, USA 19.21 km
HACKENSACK, MN | MAIN OFFICE 112 State 371 South PO BOX 471 Phone | 218.675.5101 Fax | 651.925.02...
116 1st Street South PO Box 512 Hackensack MN 56452 19.29 km
Faith in Action is a non-profit, volunteer driven, organization serving people in need throughout...
share and care.png
209 371 South, Hackensack MN 56452 19.37 km
We have a large selection of clothing, kitchen wares and furniture. Proceeds are returned to the ...
Hubbard County, MN, USA 28.08 km
Court Administration 218-732-2336 District Court/ Orders for Protection    (Out of State) 1-800-...
22195 State Route 34, Nevis, MN 56467, United States 30.16 km
Pine Manor Inc (Chemical Dependency Services) is a drug treatment facility providing substance ab...
15542 State Hwy 371 NW, Cass Lake, MN 56633 30.19 km
The Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, comprised of the Bois Forte, Fond du Lac, Grand Portage, Leech Lake...
Cass County, MN, United States 30.46 km
County Board and Administrators Office     218-547-7419 Court Administration     218-547-7200 DMV...
Cass County, MN, USA 30.46 km
1-(800) 462-55251-(800) 462-5525
The Region V+ Mental Health Initiative serves mental health consumers in Central Minnesota. We ar...
218 Washburn Ave, Backus, MN, United States 31.22 km
The Veterans Services Division is part of the Health, Human, and Veteran Services Department. Our...
Showing 1 - 20 of 366 results