The Red Lake CAP/Weatherization Program provides assistance and information to band members with regard to the winter weatherization of their homes, as well as applications for energy assistance.
Energy assistance applications are mailed by the Minnesota Department of Commerce in the fall of the year, or can be obtained through the CAP office.
Generally, three months of income verification from the date the application is signed, along with receipts for the last fuel fill and current electrical bill are required documentation.
To qualify for weatherization, an individual must be eligible for energy assistance. CAP maintains a priority list for weatherization, which includes the following criteria:
- High consumption
- Elderly
- Handicapped
- Families with children
Prior to weatherization, a home is audited to determine the amount of heat loss. The testing includes the following:
- Blower door testing to measure the amount of air leakage
- Thermal combustion testing to measure the safety and efficiency in the combustion heating system
- Infrared testing of air leaks
- Physical exam of doors and windows
Following the initial examination of the home, the materials are acquired and the actual work is completed. A final audit is conducted to determine the amount of air leakage still present.
CAP have provided weatherization to several dozen homes over the past years. Presently, CAP subcontracts with Red Lake Housing Authority to provide weatherization of homes.
Members may also qualify for furnace repair or replacement through the Energy Related Repair program. The same income eligibility process is used for the Energy Assistance Program is in place to determine eligibility for the ERR program.
You may qualify for this program if you meet the following qualifications:
- Currently eligible for EAP assistance, and
- A homeowner and occupy the home in question, and
- Have a potentially life threatening situation, no heat, or a malfunctioning system.
Assistance is available for the primary heat source only.
Please stop in our office or call for complete details.
Also, stop in the office or call to determine whether you might qualify for energy assistance/weatherization assistance.
PO Box 720