Red Lake Elementary School (RLES) and the Early Childhood Center (ECC) is an indescribably amazing and important place! Within these two buildings, over 700 precious young lives spend a good portion of their day! With that in mind, it is very, very important that your child loves school! Truly, there is very little that is more essential than for a young person to have a rich and enjoyable school experience.
Community Education Youth Leadership
The Leadership portion of Community Education gives students the opportunity to develop skills which will apply to life skills. This includes time management, cooperation in groups, volunteering for projects which enhance the reservation community, job skills and a connection to education through good school attendance.
Students are recruited to assist with the projects that Comedu offers such as the Teen Health Fair, Comprehensive Health Fair, sports events, educational camps, field trips, concessions at the Red Lake High School and collaborative efforts with other programs.
Youth Enrichment
The theory of Best Practice in the educational system means that students are able to learn and enrich their horizons by hands on learning. Along with hands on learning we recognize that Native youth have certain learning styles. As each student has a learning style which may be different, acknowledging and honoring the child and youth enriches their perspective of the educational system. Collaborations with Targeted Services, Home School Liaisons, Comprehensive Health,Chemical Health, Indian Health Services,Oshkiimaajitadah and other programs gives Community Education the ability to provide services to students.
Enrichment projects are also Cultural based, Native American, primarily Ojibwe. There have been several films made by students along with drum making, beading, craft designs. Youth have been encouraged in projects such as Targeted
Service to increase knowledge through hands on learning.
Kloster Park
Kloster Park is a summer baseball/softball program based in Clearbrook, Mn. Both boys and girls 9-13 years of age are eligible to attend. This give students one day per week for eight weeks to meet other youth from the surrounding area. There is
a World Series at Clearbrook which brings together families and numerous communities.
Students who have participated at Kloster Park are eligible to become coaches and/or umpires when they turn fifteen. This is a great opportunity for youth to use this coaching time on their resumes.
Teen Health Fair
Each year on the first Friday of November, Community Education along with numbers of partnerships/collaborators hold a Teen Health Fair at the Red Lake High School.
The Teen Health Fair, an annual event hosts a Holistic approach
to student’s cultural background. There is a host drum which is in the middle of the gym and a variety of disciplines.
Indian Health Services, Comprehensive Health Services, Evergreen House, Chemical Health, Early Childhood Family Education, Red Lake Tribal College, massage therapy, biofeedback, herbal therapy, aroma therapy, diabetes information and numbers of other booths are available as resources and education for students.
Parents As Teachers
Community Education is a partner with the Parents As Teachers program. Parents As Teachers is a curriculum that gives parents the opportunity to learn about being their children’s first teachers. The classes are geared for Early Childhood but can be used for children of any age.
Classes are offered at the Early Childhood center at Red Lake and at Oshkimaajiitahdaa.
Community Education has hosted numbers of workshops with themes on Parent Education, Prevention of birth defects, prevention of fetal alcohol syndrome, Parents As Teachers and other related topics. It is the intention of the Red Lake School district to provide educational outreach for the families and reservation community.
55 and over Insurance classes
It is our intention to hold the 55+ classes each year. There are the regular classes and the renewal classes. We have not been able to secure an instructor this past year but are working to continue this service.
Crafts Classes
Crafts classes are held in Ponemah at the Boy’s and Girl’s club. The classes are for adults but the environment at the club helps so that participants can bring children who can then have their own activities. Classes will be blanket making, pillow making and other crafts. Christmas there is cookie making and an assortment of fun give away presents. LIVIT
Community Education is a partner with the Department of Indian Works, Minneapolis which has provided us with a curriculum to teach Sexual Health. Workshops are offered in the Red Lake High School and Oshiimaajitahdaa.
Summer Activities
Summer activities for youth are planned with a number of partners which also include Red Lake Law Enforcement. It is the intent of the district to assist in planning a continuum for a variety of activities during the summer.
Community Education Advisory Board
The Community Education Advisory Board has four meetings per year. The board is a volunteer group and discusses what resources are available for the reservation community.