Red Lake Homeless Shelter

15855 Main Avenue /PO Box 280 Hwy 1 East, Red Lake MN 55671
PO Box 280 Hwy 1 East, Red Lake Minnesota 56671 US

The Red Lake Homeless Shelter provides emergency shelter to families and single adults over the age of 18 inside the homeless shelter providing beds, meals, showers and transit transportation with case management to look for housing and other resources residents may be eligible to receive.

We have different grants with the state of Minnesota that allow us to provide rental subsidies where we pay up to 70% of a clients rent. We have 14 rental subsidies with the Minnesota Housing and Finance Agency (MHFA) and these subsidies can last up to five years. We have 5 with the Transitional Housing Program (THP) and these subsidies can last up to two years.

We have a Long Term Homelessness (LTH) grant that helps clients who qualify get housed with a security or utility deposit. This grant would also help with birth certificates, drivers license or background check fee only to secure housing. We also have a Family Homeless Prevention Assistance Program (FHPAP) grant where we could help with back rent and security deposits to prevent client’s from homelessness. We also can pay for a first or last month’s rent, security deposit if they are already homeless to get them housed. This grant has very little funding so we don’t use it as often. We have a Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans (MACV) grant that helps veterans and their families with various needs.

The eligibility criteria is that a person must be an enrolled member of a federally recognized Indian Tribe and also be 18 years of age for all services except the Student Work Orientation service, which is 16 years of age or older.

We have a HUD Section 811 program that we call the Red Lake Supportive Housing 1rental program. This housing includes 14 units built in 7 duplexes, some of which are located in each of the four communities on the Red Lake Indian Reservation. All units will be restricted to disabled households. A disabled household means a household composed of one or more persons, at least one of whom is an adult (18 years or older) who has a significant disability. For purposes of this housing, eligible disabilities include those that are physical, mental health, or developmental in nature.

24760 Hospital Dr, Red Lake, MN 56671 / PO Box 497 0.61 km


The mission of the Behavioral Health Division is to instill balance, wellness, and resilience throughout American Indian and Alaska Native communities in partnership with Tribes, Tribal organizations, and urban Indian health organizations, as well as with federal, state, and local agencies. The Division seeks to foster excellence in holistic approaches that promote healthy lifestyles, families, and communities. The Division will coordinate national efforts to build capacity and share knowledge throughout Indian Country and will assist in the development, implementation, and evaluation of culture- and community-based programming


The Division of Behavioral Health envisions American Indian and Alaska Native communities achieving the highest levels of well-being through culturally based initiatives that integrate traditional practices and Western medicine in the context of holistic individual, family, community, and intergenerational health.

Services Offered:

  1. Mental Health Evaluation (a.k.a. Diagnostic Assessment) and applicable referrals
  2. Psychological Testing
  3. Individual, Family and Couples Psychotherapy
  4. Psychiatric Evaluation for Medication Management (requires a negative screen on a urine drug screen)
  5. Crisis Assessment and Intervention
  6. Smoking Cessation:  Group Therapy w/ Adjunct Medication Management
  7. Patient and Family Education
  8. Patient Advocacy
  9. Multidisciplinary Team and Case Reviews
24760 Hospital Road, Red Lake, MN 56671, USA 0.61 km
Red Lake Nation.png
24415 Hwy 1, Red Lake Minnesota 56671 1.56 km

Open to the public, Red Lake Transit provides door to door transportation on the Red Lake Reservation everyday and to Bemidji on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Call for a ride at least 1 hour ahead of time. Costs are $1.00 for adults, 50 cents for elders 55 and older, 50 cents for students, children 5 years and younger ride free.

Children 5 years old and younger are not allowed to ride unsupervised.

Red Lake Nation.png
Highway 1 East, Red Lake, MN 56671 1.56 km

Family and children’s services work for the safety and well being of children and the preservation and strengthening of families within cultural traditions.

Child Protective Services

Foster Care Program

Children’s Mental Health

Adult Protective Services

Family Based Services

Indian Child Welfare ACT (ICWA) Unit

Long-term Care Services

Red Lake Nation.png
PO Box 114, Red Lake, MN 56671 1.56 km

Services Include:

  • Alcohol, Drug and Tobacco curriculum in the Schools
  • Individualized Counseling
  • Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Education
  • Rule 25 Assessments
  • Cultural Camps: Berry Camp, Hunting Camp, Sugar Bush Camp, Wild Rice Camp
  • Back to School Fest
  • Fishing Derby
  • New Years Eve Gathering
  • On Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Red Lake, MN 1.56 km

Red Lake Medical Transportation         218-679-3327

Ponemah Medical Transportation         218-554-7347

Elderly Transportation Services               218-554-7492

15797 Main Ave, Redlake, MN 56671 1.56 km

SERVICES PROVIDED: Rule 25 assessments, classroom curriculum, Red Cliff, Protecting you, protecting me.  Family prevention with the traditional based program, Bii-zin-da-de-dah.  Youth recreational activities, also community based prevention activities.

15484 Migizi Drive, Red Lake, MN 56671 2.39 km

The Red Lake Nation Head Start serves 160 children on the reservation. We have two sites. One is located in the Early Childhood Center and one is located in Ponemah.

Our Mission is:
To demonstrate a commitment to young children and their families to assure they have resources and opportunities to succeed.

This is accomplished in a positive learning environment in which they can be creative as well as develop a sense of cultural identity. Our staff will promote the development of academic, social, emotional, and physical skills.

15525 Mendota Ave, Redby, MN 56670, USA 8.51 km

The Red Lake CAP/Weatherization Program provides assistance and information to band members with regard to the winter weatherization of their homes, as well as applications for energy assistance.

Energy assistance applications are mailed by the Minnesota Department of Commerce in the fall of the year, or can be obtained through the CAP office.

Generally, three months of income verification from the date the application is signed, along with receipts for the last fuel fill and current electrical bill are required documentation.

To qualify for weatherization, an individual must be eligible for energy assistance. CAP maintains a priority list for weatherization, which includes the following criteria:

  1. High consumption
  2. Elderly
  3. Handicapped
  4. Families with children

Prior to weatherization, a home is audited to determine the amount of heat loss. The testing includes the following:

  1. Blower door testing to measure the amount of air leakage
  2. Thermal combustion testing to measure the safety and efficiency in the combustion heating system
  3. Infrared testing of air leaks
  4. Physical exam of doors and windows

Following the initial examination of the home, the materials are acquired and the actual work is completed. A final audit is conducted to determine the amount of air leakage still present.

CAP have provided weatherization to several dozen homes over the past years. Presently, CAP subcontracts with Red Lake Housing Authority to provide weatherization of homes.

Members may also qualify for furnace repair or replacement through the Energy Related Repair program. The same income eligibility process is used for the Energy Assistance Program is in place to determine eligibility for the ERR program.

You may qualify for this program if you meet the following qualifications:

  • Currently eligible for EAP assistance, and
  • A homeowner and occupy the home in question, and
  • Have a potentially life threatening situation, no heat, or a malfunctioning system.

Assistance is available for the primary heat source only.

Please stop in our office or call for complete details.

Also, stop in the office or call to determine whether you might qualify for energy assistance/weatherization assistance.

15525 Mendota Ave, Redby, MN 56670 8.64 km

Services offered at Oshkiimaajitahdah:
-GED/ABE Education
-Career Development Services which includes job readiness and Driver’s Education
-Financial Skills for Families
-Ganawenindiwag (Cultural Program) “Taking Care of Each Other”
-477 Program: Scholarship Assistance, Tribal GA, and Summer Youth Work Program
-TERO Program
-Certified Nursing Assistance Classes
-Welding Courses
-Childcare Program

-Childcare Assistance under both RLN TANF and Tribal Programs
-Emergency Assistance for Families
-Supportive Services for families to gain employment
-Incentives awarded upon completion of various activities

Oshkiimaajitahdah, which means “a new path” or “a new journey” in the Ojibwe language, is a tribal program of the Red Lake Nation that promotes the economic and social well-being of families, children, individuals and community with funding, strategic partnerships, guidance, training and technical assistance.



P.O. Box 416 Redby, MN 56670

Phone: (218) 679-3350

Toll Free: (888) 404-0686

Fax: (218) 679-4317



520 4th St. NW Bemidji, MN 56601

P.O. Box 1497  Bemidji, MN 56619

Phone: (218) 444-2883

Fax: (218) 444-7597

25039 Abinoojiin Drive , Ponemah MN 56666 18.66 km
Beltrami County, MN, United States 23.82 km

Court Administration     218-333-4120

Driver’s License Exams/Driving Tests     218-333-4148

Driver’s License/ATV/Birth/Death/Marriage Certificates/Notary/ID cards     218-333-4148

Extention/4H     218-444-5722

Law Enforcement:

Bemidji Police: Accident Reports and Background Checks     218-333-4187

Beltrami County: Non-emergency     218-333-9111 / 1-888-449-9111


Adult and Juvenile Misdemeanor Supervision     218-333-4169

Adult Felony Supervision     218-308-2599 / 218-308-2598

Juvenile Corrections     218-333-4169

Public Transit/Paul Bunyan Transit     218-751-8765

Rule 25 and Chemical Dependency Assessment     218-333-4223

Social Services:

Administration     218-333-4223

Adult Services/Behavioral Health     218-333-4223

Adult Intake      218-333-8246

Child Protection/Intake and Assessments     218-333-8245

Child Support     218-333-8300

Family Health     218-333-8140

Home Care and Managed Care     218-333-4223

Income Maintenance     218-333-8140

Public Health/WIC     218-333-8140

Supervised Release or Parole STS Contacts Northern Region     218-308-2599

Veteran’s Services     218-333-4177

Workforce Center     218-333-8200


PO Box 497, Red Lake MN 56671 24.91 km

Comprehensive Health

The Red Lake Comprehensive Health provides the management, leadership and direction needed to provide quality health services to the Red Lake people. Our main goal is to elevate the health and health care of our Red Lake Tribal members and their descendants to the highest possible level.

Emergency Medical Services

Two Ambulance Services, one in Red Lake and one in Ponemah provide prompt emergency medical care for sudden injury or acute illness and immediate transportation to a medical facility where further care can be rendered to eliminate severe complications from untreated trauma, twenty-four hours a day/seven days a week.

The Ambulance Service are licensed by the State of Minnesota as a Basic Life Support Service.

The Ambulance staff are required to be certified State Emergency Medical Technicians in order to maintain our Basic Life Support (BLS) License. The majority of our Emergency Medical Technicians are Nationally Registered Emergency Medical Technicians.

The Emergency Medical Technicians provide in-services and training to tribal members that want to learn Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, First Aid and Emergency Medical Technician skills. We are licensed by the State of Minnesota as an official training program for Emergency Medical Technicians, CPR & First Aid.

Red Lake Ambulance 679-3327
Ponemah Ambulance 554-7347
or dial 911

Medical Transportation Services

Medical Transportation is provided for the people to the Red Lake Hospital, Ponemah Clinic and medical facilities off the reservation.

Patients are transported to Minneapolis, Rochester, Duluth, St. Cloud, Minnesota, Fargo, Grand Forks, North Dakota and other towns as directed by the Medical Staff. Medical transportation is provided to the Red Lake Hospital, Ponemah Clinic and to the Bemidji Hospital and Clinics on a daily basis.

Red Lake Medical Transportation 679-3327
Ponemah Medical Transportation 554-7347

Elderly Transportation Services

Noon Meals are delivered to home bound elderly and handicapped residents in Ponemah Monday through Friday.


Community Health Nursing Services

Community Health Nursing Services provides health services to meet the assessed health needs of individuals and families in our four communities. Services are provided in hospital, clinic, home, school and community settings.

Community Health Nursing Services are provided within the context of total health care, including physical, social, psychosocial, environmental developmental, parenting education, nutritional economics and functional health. Nursing is provided at three levels of prevention: The primary prevention level focuses on health promotion and prevention against diseases, the secondary prevention level focuses on early diagnosis and prompt intervention in the disease process, and the third prevention level focuses on the use of rehabilitation activities to prevent further complications and to restore as much as possible optimal functioning. Language, communications and cultural considerations that influence care are considered. Individuals, families, and communities are encouraged to be active participants in determining their needs and reaching health outcome goals.

Major services Community Health Nursing provides are Public Health Nursing Services, Home-based Patient Care Services, High Risk Adult Supervision, Maternal Child Health Services, Health Promotion/Disease Prevention. Discharge Planning and Home Health Care Services.

Red Lake Comprehensive Health Services 679-3316
Little Rock Health Station 679-3717
Redby Health Station 679-3391
Ponemah Health Station 554-7384

Ponemah Health Services

The Ponemah Health Staff provide direct quality health care to the Ponemah residents in the Ponemah Clinic & the community. The health services include Maternal and Child Care Services, Chronic Illness Care, Acute Minor and Common Illness Care, Health Education/Disease Prevention and daily clinics.

The Ponemah Nurse Practitioner and her assistant provide Women’s Health Care Clinic once a week at the Red Lake Hospital.


Physician Services

The Physicians provide medical services to all eligible recipients in accordance with the standards and protocols of the Red Lake Hospital.

The Emergency Room Physicians provide emergency and urgent care services 24 hours a day 365 days a year, to all eligible recipients in accordance with the standards and procedures of the Red Lake Hospital.


Pharmacy Services

The Red Lake Comprehensive Health Services provides one Pharmacist and one pharmacy technician to assist with prescriptions at the Red Lake Hospital.


Physical and Occupational Therapy Services

Physical and Occupational Therapy serve a variety of disease and disabilities occurring in all ages. The Physical Therapist provides services for neurological disorders, arthritic conditions, persons with fractures, strokes, burns and numerous physiological and musculoskeletal conditions.


Hospital Support Staff Services

The Comprehensive Health Services supplementes the Indian Health Service with needed personnel in order to maintain the highest possible continuity of medical care for our people. The hospital support staff provides direct patient health care services in all clinics, inpatient, dental, behavioral health, optometry and outpatient department of the Red Lake Hospital.


Dietary Services

Dietary Services provide nutrition and dietetic services to individual patients, families and communities through a variety of methods including meal service, counseling, education, community services, and in-service consultation in the hospital.


Nutrition Services

Nutrition services provides and promotes sound nutritional practices for individuals, families and groups in the Red Lake Hospital and Health Care Facility, Ponemah Health Center, Elderly Nutrition sites, Maternal Child Day Care Center and the Headstart Programs; preventing potential health problems; and providing clinical nutritional and diabetic services for patients with existing medical problems.

Nutritional Services integrated with medical and interdisciplinary support services in outpatient clinics, health centers, community health clinics, school clinics and Women, Infants and Children (WIC) services.

Women, Infants and Children (WIC) helps families eat well and stay healthy. The WIC program provides nutrition education, healthy foods and health services. WIC does nutrition assessments, and provides one-on-one counseling about food, nutrition, and breastfeeding to help you feed your family in a healthy way. WIC gives you vouchers to buy healthy foods. WIC helps you with referrals to other health and social services. To qualify for WIC you need to have a nutritional and/or medical need, and meet WIC income guidelines.

Red Lake WIC 679-3134

Environmental Health Services

The Sanitarian assists all communities in improving the public health. Environmental Health Services identifies and helps correct environmental conditions that are detrimental to the people’s health status. Security Services

Security services are provided for patients, staff and property at the Red Lake Hospital and Health Care Facility and the Extended Care Center. Security services work cooperatively with the local law enforcement agency for added safety.


Mental Health/Social Services

The Comprehensive Health Services provides two Independent Licensed Social Workers, Social Workers and School Wellness Counselors to assist individuals, patients, families in the schools and community promoting positive behavior, health promotion and disease prevention through direct assistance, counseling and coordination between home, school, and community and health facility.

The staff provide outreach services and function as a community resource in dealing with maladaptive behavior, and provide intervention in seeking out and eradicating conditions that caused or contributed to mental disorders.

The School Wellness Counselors provide counseling in the schools and communities.

The staff work with individuals who are having thoughts of hurting themselves, are having suicidal ideation, self-injurious behavior and behavioral emergencies.


Maternal Child Day Care Services

The Day Care staff provide services to eligible Indian children in need of a controlled quality health care environment that provides a safe place for emotional security and social development, where personal hygiene skills, proper eating habits and nutrition are taught.


The Adult Dental Program

Comprehensive Health Provides $25,000 a year to purchase dentures and partials for tribal members and their descendants at the Red Lake Hospital only.

Optometry Services

Optometry provides comprehensive optometric services including vision assessment, eye evaluation, retinal assessment, frame adjustment and repair, eye injury treatment, eye disease treatment, and contact lens fitting.


Special Diabetes Program for Indians – SDPI

The Red Lake Diabetes Program provides excellent care and education to all patients with diabetes, prediabetes, and those at risk for diabetes. Patients are seen as outpatients, inpatients and in the community. We provide one on one diabetes education, nutrition education, physical activity information, community diabetes screenings, youth wellness summer camps, diabetic socks and testing supplies given, current information on diabetes is provided to patients and diabetes related information is submitted to the Tribal Newsletter on a quarterly basis.


Red Lake Pre-Diabetes Program

Balancing our lifestyle is a diabetes prevention program based on developing healthy eating habits and increasing physical activity for American Indian adults age 18 and over with prediabetes.


Ship Program (Statewide Health Improvement Program)

Provides healthy lifestyle services to promote physical activity, reduce obesity and deter smoking and tobacco use in our youth.

Nursing Home Services

Nursing Home Services are provided at the Jourdain/Perpich Extended Care Center which is attached to the Red Lake Hospital and Health Care Facility. We have 47 beds available to serve our elders and handicapped individuals. All residents served are federally recognized Indians or descendants of federally recognized tribes.


PO Box 399, Red Lake MN 56671 24.91 km

Nursing Home facility in Red Lake, MN

P.O. Box 219, Red Lake, MN 56671 24.91 km

Housing Authority Programs

Rental Programs:

Low Rent Program and NAHASDA
This program is to provide families, with low incomes, affordable housing. It offers a wide variety of single-family homes (2, 3, 4, and 5 Bedroom), duplex and fourplex to qualified individuals on a month-to-month lease basis. These units are located in all four reservation districts.

ARRA Rental and Marif Rental
The programs are for low rent income families. The units are all single family rental units and located in the Ponemah district.

Federal Tax Credit
The program is for families who are at or below 50% of the area median incomes. The units are single family and duplex units and are located in all four districts.

Homeownership Programs:

Mutual Help, NAHASDA and Walking Shield
The intent of the programs are to provide families, with low incomes, an opportunity to own a home rather than rent a home. The Housing Authority shall continue to offer qualified individuals, a lease with an option to buy; any of the remaining single family homes in the mutual help inventory. as they become available. The units are all single family units and are located in all four districts.

Federal Tax Credit
To obtain a home under this program, the homebuyer must be low income and agreeable to a mandatory fifteen year lease-to-own status. The first fifteen years are considered rental. At the end of that fifteen year period, the tenants will be offered the opportunity to continue their month-to-month lease or buy out the balance of the mortgage on the home. The units are single family and are located in all four districts.

Modernization Assistance
A one-time limited modernization assistance is offered to elders age 62 or older and handicapped individuals for medical needs documented by a physician or work necessary to keep the unit structurally sound. This work cannot exceed $8,000.00. This includes material, labor and insurance.

Beltrami County outside the Reservation Rental Assistance
This program is to assist low income families an opportunity to finding housing in the private sector. Assistance to be provided will be the first and last months’ rent and the security deposit. The maximum of assistance to be provided will be $2, 100.00.

Beltrami County outside the Reservation Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance
This program is to assist families who have an income of not greater than 80% of area median income with down payment and closing cost assistance. The amount of assistance varies from approximately $15,000.00 to $25,000.00.


Housing Finance Corporation Programs

Mortgage Program
Home loans up to $120,000.00 at 5% interest for 30 years. Renovation loans up to $35,000.00 at 6% interest for 15 years.

Rental Program
Units which have had the title turned back to the corporation are offered as rental at a set rental rate. The units are single family and are located in all four districts. The units are available for purchase from the corporation.


Contact Information:

Red Lake Reservation Housing Authority
P.O. Box 219
Red Lake, MN 56671

Red Lake Housing Finance Corporation
P.O. Box220
Red Lake, MN 56671


PO Box 114 , Red Lake MN 56671 24.91 km

Residential primary inpatient treatment for alcohol and drugs with counseling: group, individual family and spiritual. Transportation, education, and employment assistance, recreational and occupational therapy. Eligibility Requirements:16 years of age or older male or female. Court ordered or self-referral or as part of a continuing treatment.

Red Lake Pregnant Women and Families Program.jpg
PO Box 114, Red Lake MN 56671 24.91 km
218-679-3331 / 1-800-422-0045 (crisis)218-679-3331 / 1-800-422-0045 (crisis)

Intake/assessment, prevention education on fetal alcohol spectrum, positive cultural education, life skills, talking circles, cradleboard project, nutrition education, referrals to community agencies.





Red Lake, MN 56671 24.91 km

Mailing Address:  PO Box 1124, Red Lake, MN  56671


Clearwater county.png
Clearwater County, MN, United States 26.66 km

Court Administration     218-694-6177

Driver’s License Exams/Driving Tests     218-694-6129 / 218-308-2940

Driver’s License/ATV/Birth/Death/Marriage Certificates/Notary/ID cards     218-694-6129

Extension/4-H     218-694-6151

Law Enforcement:

Bagley Police: Accident Reports and Background Checks     218-694-6150

Clearwater County Dispatch     218-694-6226

Sheriff     218-694-6226

Probation     218-694-2200

Public Transportation/Tri-Valley Heartland Express Bus     1-800-584-7020

Rule 25 and Chemical Dependency Assessment     218-694-6164

Social Services:     218-694-6164

Includes: Adult Services, Behavioral Health, Child Protection/Intake and Assessments, Child Support, Family Health, Fraud, Home Care and Managed Care and Income Maintenance

Public Health/WIC     218-694-6581

Veteran’s Services     218-694-6618


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