The Red Lake Homeless Shelter provides emergency shelter to families and single adults over the age of 18 inside the homeless shelter providing beds, meals, showers and transit transportation with case management to look for housing and other resources residents may be eligible to receive.
We have different grants with the state of Minnesota that allow us to provide rental subsidies where we pay up to 70% of a clients rent. We have 14 rental subsidies with the Minnesota Housing and Finance Agency (MHFA) and these subsidies can last up to five years. We have 5 with the Transitional Housing Program (THP) and these subsidies can last up to two years.
We have a Long Term Homelessness (LTH) grant that helps clients who qualify get housed with a security or utility deposit. This grant would also help with birth certificates, drivers license or background check fee only to secure housing. We also have a Family Homeless Prevention Assistance Program (FHPAP) grant where we could help with back rent and security deposits to prevent client’s from homelessness. We also can pay for a first or last month’s rent, security deposit if they are already homeless to get them housed. This grant has very little funding so we don’t use it as often. We have a Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans (MACV) grant that helps veterans and their families with various needs.
The eligibility criteria is that a person must be an enrolled member of a federally recognized Indian Tribe and also be 18 years of age for all services except the Student Work Orientation service, which is 16 years of age or older.
We have a HUD Section 811 program that we call the Red Lake Supportive Housing 1rental program. This housing includes 14 units built in 7 duplexes, some of which are located in each of the four communities on the Red Lake Indian Reservation. All units will be restricted to disabled households. A disabled household means a household composed of one or more persons, at least one of whom is an adult (18 years or older) who has a significant disability. For purposes of this housing, eligible disabilities include those that are physical, mental health, or developmental in nature.