Senior Activity Center

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216 3rd Street NW, Bemidji MN 56601
216 3rd Street NW, Bemidji Minnesota 56601 US

The Bemidji Senior Center, officially known as The Beltrami County Senior Citizen Council on Aging, is located in beautiful downtown Bemidji at 216 Third Street NW. Open Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM the building comes alive early as the Senior Creations Gift Shop opens for business and seniors come in for the various programs offered.  The Senior Center is a place where active adults can receive nutritious meals, socialization, exercise, tax assistance, a driver safety refresher course, informative lectures, creative activities, volunteer opportunities, and a sense of belonging.

LSS Nutrition Program:  Lunch every day Monday – Friday at noon.  You MUST call at least one day in advance to reserve your meal.  Call between 9:00am – 1:00pm to make a reservation.  Suggested contribution for seniors age 60+ is $4.00.  People under age 60 is $8.00.  Gift certificates and meal tickets are available at the site.  Delivery to your home is also available (Meals on Wheels).

Tax Assistance:  AARP tax preparation counselors provide assistance for seniors and low-income individuals Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9:15am – 3:15pm starting the end of January through mid-April.  Help with property tax and rent refunds are available the second Monday of each month from May – September from 9:00am – 12:00pm.  Assistance is provided on a first come, first serve basis.  This is a free service, however, donations to the center are appreciated.



Monday – Friday 9:00am – 4:00pm and the 2nd Saturday of each month for a pancake breakfast fundraiser. 8:00-10:00, $5 Per Person

Senior Center.jpg 5 years ago
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Senior Center.jpg 5 years ago
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