The mission of the Red Lake Chemical Health Programs is to enhance the well being of all Red Lake...
16150 Golden Eagle Court NW Bemidji MN 56601
Eagle Vista Ranch offers Equine Assisted Psychotherapy(EAP) and coaching to individuals, families...
PO Box 662 Bemidji, MN 56619-0662
1-800-422-0045 (Local Crisis Line)1-800-422-0045 (Local Crisis Line)
A community-based group of individuals and agencies coordinating regional suicide prevention effo...
Outpatient therapy Marriage, Family, Child & Individual Counselors, Counseling Services

A four county consortium (Beltrami, Clearwater, Hubbard, Lake of the Woods) for improving the pat...
Long or short term adult foster care for individuals with serious and persistent mental illness. ...
332 Minnesota Street Suite W1410, First National Bank Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-2117
The Ombudsman is an independent governmental official who recieves complaints against government ...

The mission of the Oshki Manidoo “New Spirit” Center is to be a healing place with a holistic app...
Education Health & Wellness Information & Advocacy Mental Health Services Parenting Pregnancy & Child Care Prevention Services Beltrami Red Lake Crisis Services Chemical Dependency Services
PO Box 114, Red Lake MN 56671
218-679-3331 / 1-800-422-0045 (crisis)218-679-3331 / 1-800-422-0045 (crisis)
Intake/assessment, prevention education on fetal alcohol spectrum, positive cultural education, l...
Personal Care Attendant choice services, serving all 87 Minnesota counties. Some home health and...

519 Anne St., Suite A, Bemidji, MN 56601
Psychiatric care specializing in the areas of: Depression, Anxiety, and Spectrum disorders. Serv...
Clearwater, MN
Youth Mobile Crisis Line: 1-800-422-0045 School-Based Mental Health in Bagley and Clearbrook/Gon...
Offering training in Mental Health Facilitator training (certified by the National Board of Certi...

1630 Forest Lane Southeast, Bemidji, MN, USA
Adult foster care for women experiencing the effects of severe trauma including Personality Disor...

Sanford Health Woods Edge 1000 Anne St NW, Bemidji, MN 56601 218-751-0220 Offering a great lifes...

Community Services Health & Wellness Hotlines Mental Health Services Prevention Services Youth Services
1550 East 78th, St. Richfield, MN 55423
Operated by non-profit, Canvas Health, Crisis Text Line allows users to communicate with trained ...

Bemidji MN 56601
218-209-7000(Advocacy) 218-760-7889(Mental Health)218-209-7000(Advocacy) 218-760-7889(Mental Health)
Are you feeling bullied in a relationship? Concerned about someone who is being verbally or physi...

Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) is an evidence based model for providing comprehensive commun...

722 15th St NW, Bemidji, MN, USA
24 hour crisis line: 1-800-422-004524 hour crisis line: 1-800-422-0045
The Sanford Housing Program recognizes that housing is a basic right, and that following a person...

Minnesota Farm & Rural Helpline Free, confidential, 24/7. This call center is located in Min...