Agriculture in the Classroom programs are implemented by state-operated programs. National Agricu...

220 Railroad St SE, Pine City, MN 55063, USA
Deaf & Hard of Hearing: 218-343-6196Deaf & Hard of Hearing: 218-343-6196
DAY TREATMENT Program Description: Day Treatment is an intensive rehabilitative mental healt...

The Office of Head Start (OHS) administers grant funding and oversight to the 1,600 agencies that...

4225 Technology Drive Northwest Bemidji, MN 56601
Community Mental Health Center: Provide psychotherapy to adults, adolescents and children as well...

Kinship Partners is a nonprofit youth mentoring organization serving families within Crow Wing co...

Minnesota, USA
An interagency initiative of the State of Minnesota, Help Me Grow partners with organizations and...

PACER Helps in Many Ways Through more than 30 projects, PACER provides individual assistance, wor...

220 West Washington Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN, USA
Our mission to change the course of children’s lives by stabilizing families and strengthen...

Civil Air Patrol (CAP), the official U. S. Air Force Auxiliary, is a civilian, volunteer, nonprof...

The mission of the Oshki Manidoo “New Spirit” Center is to be a healing place with a holistic app...

Physical Address: 1600 Minnesota Ave NW or Mailing Address: PO Box 191, Bemidji MN 56619
All Club activities support youth development in at least one of three key program areas: Acade...

750 Paul Bunyan Drive SW, Bemidji MN 56601
We are 2.7 million strong – 1.9 million girls and 800,000 adults who believe that when girl...
6603 Bemidji Avenue North Bemidji MN 56601 or PO Box 579, Bemidji MN 56619
218-751-4631 / 1-800-332-7161218-751-4631 / 1-800-332-7161
BI-CAP Bemidji Location: 6603 Bemidji Avenue North Bemidji MN 56601 OR PO Box 579 Bemidji MN...

Parenting Mental Health Services Housing Options Education Food Resources Clothing & Household Resources Crisis Housing Prevention Services Crisis Services Youth Services
Evergreen Youth & Family Services Instagram: @evergreenyfs Evergreen Shelter Program (Ages 9...

1510 Bemidji Ave N, Bemidji MN 56601
218-444-9524, 1-800-708-2727218-444-9524, 1-800-708-2727
Bagley Office: 79 Spencer Ave Bagley, MN 56621 218-694-2210 Grand Rapids Office: 9 Willow...

The Take A Kid Fishing Mission: To introduce young people to the outdoors through fishing in a sa...

Community Services Health & Wellness Hotlines Mental Health Services Prevention Services Youth Services
1550 East 78th, St. Richfield, MN 55423
Operated by non-profit, Canvas Health, Crisis Text Line allows users to communicate with trained ...

2025 East River Parkway, Minneapolis, MN, United States
Shriners Hospitals for Children is one of the largest pediatric sub-specialty health care systems...
413 Beltrami Ave, Bemidji MN 56601
Headwaters Science Center has a mission to provide intellectual stimulation and enjoyment for chi...
519 Anne St NW, Suite B, Bemidji, MN 56601, PO Box #430, Bemidji, MN 56619
218-444-2845 or Crisis Hotline 1-800-422-0045218-444-2845 or Crisis Hotline 1-800-422-0045
Since 1994, Stellher Human Services, Inc. has been helping families and children with crisis, cou...