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PO Box 662, Bemidji MN 56619

Evergreen Youth & Family Services
Instagram: @evergreenyfs
Evergreen Shelter Program (Ages 9-17)………………………………………………………………………………………………..218-751-4332
Physical Address: 622 Mississippi Ave Bemidji, MN 56601
Open: 24/7, 365 days a year
SERVICES: Youth Crisis Shelter, Family Support & Parent Coaching
Evergreen Youth Services/Drop-In Center (Ages 14-24)………………………………………………………………………218-751-8223
Physical Address: 610 Patriot Dr. NW Bemidji, MN 56601
Open: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (11:00am-6:00pm); Wednesday (12:00pm-6:00pm)
SERVICES: Youth Drop-in Center, Street Outreach, Housing Assistance, Mental Health Support, Client Transportation
Evergreen Youth & Family Services is a community-based organization committed to strengthening youth, preserving families, and building relationships with an emphasis on those living in Northern Minnesota. Evergreen serves youth experiencing homelessness, runaways, and families in crisis by providing housing resources, youth crisis shelter, food & clothing, hot lunches 5 days/week, referrals, family support & parent coaching, mental health support, independent living skills, referrals to other community resources and more.

215 4th Street NW, Bemidji MN 56601

Civil and legal services without charge to low income or elderly citizens.  Income and asset poverty guidelines apply.  Serving Minnesota counties Becker, Beltrami, Clay, Clearwater, Douglas, Grant, Hubbard, Kittson, Lake of the Woods, Mahnomen, Marshall, Norman, Otter Tail, Pennington, Polk, Pope, Red Lake, Roseau, Stevens, Traverse, Wadena and Wilkin.

Generally, people with household incomes at or below 125% of the federal poverty guidelines qualify for free civil legal aid. An individual’s available assets must also fall within the asset ceiling.

All eligible clients are provided a free initial consultation with either a legal staff member or a Judicare attorney. The type of service provided depends upon the legal problem the individual is facing. Many clients are helped by immediate advice on their problem, including things they can do themselves to address or solve the problem. A variety of written materials and brochures are available to assist them with self-help remedies. Some issues may be resolved through a phone call from an attorney, or basic negotiation. Other times, LSNM will provide full representation at an administrative hearing or court hearing.

4111 Technology Dr NW, #203, Bemidji, MN 56601

Our 23 branch locations and 18 satellite locations allow us to provide unmatched security throughout the Midwest.

Electronic Security Solutions

Per Mar security systems keep your business safe and secure.

Whether you are worrying about preventing employee theft, burglars, shoplifters, flooding or fires- we can help!

Per Mar serves a range of small to midsize commercial sectors with our electronic security solutions.

Some of the sectors we serve include:

  • Local and National Retail
  • Food Service/Restaurants
  • Industrial
  • Office Buildings
  • Real Estate
  • Financial Institutions
  • Health Care
  • Education
  • Government
  • Religious Institutions

Security Guard Services

Trust our highly-trained security officers to protect your business and employees.

Our security guard services include full-time security officers, event security, temporary security, security surveys, mobile patrol and alarm response.

Our professionally trained security officers are available to serve clients in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, Wisconsin, South Dakota, Ohio, Tennessee, Missouri, Kansas, Michigan, Kentucky and Oklahoma.

Some of the industries we serve include:

  • Manufacturing
  • Healthcare
  • Transportation
  • Agriculture/Food
  • Education/Campus Security
  • Construction
  • Financial
  • Retail Facilities/Shopping Centers
  • Government Facilities
  • Utilities


Investigative Services

Per Mar’s investigators can help solve your most challenging business matters.

Per Mar’s licensed private investigators work with a wide variety of businesses and industries to assist in the timely resolution of complex matters from employee fraud investigations to vulnerability and threat assessments.

Pre-Employment and Tenant Screening

Limit your risk with background checks.

Per Mar is a leader in providing comprehensive pre-employment and tenant screening services to businesses nationwide.

1510 Bemidji Ave N, Bemidji MN 56601

Bagley Office:

79 Spencer Ave Bagley, MN 56621



Grand Rapids Office:

9 Willow Lane Grand Rapids, MN 55744

218-326-5008 / 1-866-747-5008


Park Rapids Office:

323 Main Ave South Park Rapids, MN 56470



Walker Office:

609 Minnesota Ave West Walker, MN 56484


Crisis Support and Advocacy– Available 24/7. Call the office number and you can leave a Non-emergent message or stay on the line to be routed to a live dispatch. Free & confidential crisis intervention.

Regional Navigator for sexually exploited and trafficked individuals


As a recent victim or witness to a crime, you play an important role in the criminal justice process. The Beltrami County Attorney’s Office can help you navigate the criminal justice system by assisting you in understanding your rights as a victim and completing a Victim Impact Statement. We also provide:

  • Referrals for you and your family for counseling or assistance from Community Resources that we partner with
  • Education about the criminal justice system and your role as a victim or witness to a crime
  • Help with intimidation or coercion by the defendant, involving local law enforcement agencies as necessary
  • Updates on your case and the procedures being followed
  • Familiarization with the courtroom if you are asked to testify
  • Assistance in obtaining time off from your job to testify in court
  • Information on applying for assistance from either the defendant or the Minnesota Reparations Board

Contact our Victim/Witness Office directly at 218-333-8041.

PO Box 662 Bemidji, MN 56619-0662

A community-based group of individuals and agencies coordinating regional suicide prevention efforts. The mission is to promote healthy communities by eliminating suicide in the region through advocacy and community involvement. This group is facilitated by the Beltrami Area Suicide Prevention Program Coordinator.

Local Crisis Line in Beltrami, Hubbard, & Clearwater Counties:  1-800-422-0045

National Suicide Prevention Line: 988

Crisis Text Line: Text “MN” to 741741

1007 NW Street, Suite B, Grand Rapids, MN 55744

Providing free, confidential and nonjudgmental crisis intervention, active listening and information and referral services 24 hours per day, 365 days per year.

PO Box 563, Bemidji MN 56619

NBWS is a domestic violence emergency crisis shelter and advocacy program supporting victim/survivors of intimate partner violence. NBWS provides emotional support, items to meet basic needs (personal hygiene products, clothing, household items), transportation, and referrals to other resources, such as mental health services. NBWS also provides legal advocacy which includes assistance with filling out Orders for Protection and Harassment Restraining Orders, court accompaniment (for civil or criminal cases), tracking court matters on behalf of victim/survivors, and referrals to legal resources.  NBWS provides individual, institutional and social change advocacy.

Crisis/TTY 218-751-0211
Toll-Free 800-588-6229 (24 hour)
Business 218-444-1395

616 America Ave., Suite #170, Bemidji, MN 56601

A neutral, child friendly site for conflict free custody exchanges and documented supervised visitation by two staff.  All custodial parties must complete an intake before service will be scheduled.  Court orders not mandatory.  Services are provided on a sliding fee basis.  Services are available Monday – Friday and every other weekend depending on availability.

Violence Inter Project.png
PO Box 96, Thief River Falls, MN 56701

Domestic violence and sexual assault.  A safe confidential place for victims to share and receive non-judgmental support.


  • Temporary emergency shelter is available 

  • 24-Hour Toll-Free crisis line – Anonymous calls accepted- 800-860-6667

  • Safety planning 

  • Assistance with protection orders

  • Advocate support during legal proceedings

  • A safe and confidential place for victim’s to share their story in private

  • Support during a sexual assault exam at the emergency room

  • Supervised Visitation and Safe exchanges (located in Thief River Falls)

  • Assistance with transitional and/or permanent housing

411 1st Street or PO Box 157, Cass Lake MN 56633

Anishinabe Legal Services is a Legal Services Corporation (LSC) grantee and independent 501(c)(3) non-profit that provides free legal assistance to low-income individuals living on or near the Leech Lake, Red Lake, & White Earth Reservations in Northwestern Minnesota.

ALS represents clients before tribal courts, state courts, and agencies to help them protect their rights. Anishinabe Legal Services has offices in Leech Lake, Red Lake, and White Earth.

Residents of Leech Lake, White Earth, and Red Lake reservations whose income and assets fall within the financial eligibility guidelines. Services are also provided to residents of Leech Lake, White Earth, Grand Portage, and Bois Forte who are 60 and older regardless of income.

Red Lake Nation.png
Highway 1 East, Red Lake, MN 56671

Family and children’s services work for the safety and well being of children and the preservation and strengthening of families within cultural traditions.

Child Protective Services

Foster Care Program

Children’s Mental Health

Adult Protective Services

Family Based Services

Indian Child Welfare ACT (ICWA) Unit

Long-term Care Services


GoSafe:  Access to help both at home and on the go and includes an AutoAlert pendant that contacts Lifeline automatically when it detects a fall.

HomeSafe:  A medical alert service that provides peace of mind when you are in or around your home.  Available with AutoAlert fall detection technology, which is designed to sense when you fall and contact us even if you can’t or don’t push your button.

Lifeline Response App:  A smart phone app with a one-touch call button, giving you a direct line to a Lifeline response associate ready to help.

Medication Dispensing Service:  This pill-dispensing machine is loaded with single-dose cups of medication, and we program it to sound a reminder and dispense medication at the chosen times.

Red Lake Pregnant Women and Families Program.jpg
PO Box 114, Red Lake MN 56671
218-679-3331 / 1-800-422-0045 (crisis)218-679-3331 / 1-800-422-0045 (crisis)

Intake/assessment, prevention education on fetal alcohol spectrum, positive cultural education, life skills, talking circles, cradleboard project, nutrition education, referrals to community agencies.





113 Balsam Ave NW, Cass Lake MN 56633

Support and services for victims who are or have experienced domestic and sexual assault, dating violence and stalking.  Services area is the Leech Lake Reservation including portions of Cass, Hubbard, Itasca and Beltrami Counties.

1611 NW 4th St, Grand Rapids MN 55744

A Wellstone Family Safety Program addressing supervised visitation, safe exchange, and a violence intervention program for men.   Advocates for Family Peace creates awareness in our community by promoting safety, equality, and responsibility in intimate and family relationships.

Programs offered include:

Advocacy, Housing, Intervention Program for Men and Fathers, Intervention Program for Women, Women’s Empowerment Group, Wellstone Family Safety Program and Community Outreach and Education.

Itasca County Office
Advocates for Family Peace
1611 NW 4th Street
Grand Rapids, MN 55744
(Ph) 218-326-0388
or 1-800-909-8336
(Fax) 218-327-4052


NE St. Louis County Office
Advocates for Family Peace
2125 E 2nd Ave, Suite 44
Hibbing, MN 55746
(Ph) 218-263-8344
or 1-800-909-8336
(Fax) 218-440-1084

Minnesota, USA

StrongHearts Native Helpline is a 24/7 confidential and anonymous culturally-appropriate domestic, dating and sexual violence helpline for Native Americans. StrongHearts advocates offer the following services at no cost:

  • Peer support and advocacy
  • Information and education about domestic violence and sexual violence
  • Personalized safety planning
  • Crisis intervention
  • Referrals to Native-centered domestic violence and sexual violence service providers
  • Basic information about health options
  • Support finding a local health facility or crisis center that is trained to care for survivors of sexual assault and offers services like sexual assault forensic exams
  • General information about jurisdiction and legal advocacy referrals

The Minnesota P.E.O. Home Fund was established in 1929 to provide charitable grants to individuals who lack financial means to provide housing, medical care, and other necessities of life for themselves.  This fund primarily serves Minnesotans who may be facing unique challenges related to advanced aging, illness or disability. Charitable grants provide a bridge of support to positively impact the recipient’s life and well-being as they navigate their present struggle.


Drop in Center

Our vision is to provide people shelter & stability, while valuing their dignity, humanity & worth.

Drop-in centers provide a space for homeless individuals to spend time and connect with services. Spaces are typically open during the day or evening hours.

New Day Center provides shelter, wi-fi, coffee, TV, laundry and a mail address for anyone who needs it.

Showing 1 - 20 of 28 results