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Bemidji, MN, USA

Free Food Pantry Available for BSU and NTC Students

Located in 1st Floor Sustainability Office in Hobson Memorial Union

26 Main Ave North, Bagley, MN 56621

The Bagley Senior Center’s activities include:  Meals on Wheels, Senior Dining, Consignment Craft Room, Thrift Store, Nutrition Assistance Program for Seniors, and Yarn Group (1st and 3rd Tuesday from 9:30am – 12:30pm)

200 Paul Bunyan Dr S, Bemidji, MN 56601, USA

Featuring northern MN’s finest fresh produce & products: strawberries, garden produce, fall decor, chicken, beef, pork, baked goods, pickles, jams/jellies, honey, flowers, soaps & crafts. EBT, WIC, Visa/MC accepted. Call or follow Facebook for more information.

Located in downtown Bemidji at the St Michel Furniture parking lot

245 Barclay Avenue, Pine River, MN, USA
Food Shelf Bemidji.jpg
1260 Exchange Ave SE, Bemidji, MN 56601, USA

Our Mission:  The Bemidji Community Food Shelf is a faith-based, caring place that listens to those who are experiencing food insecurity.  We work with our partners to be inclusive and to provide fresh, nourishing foods for those living in Beltrami County and the Bemidji School District.

Households may make one visit per calendar month which will provide about 10 meals, or 3-5 days of food per household.  Services are based on income eligibility.  We are also a distribution site for Nutrition Assistance Program for Sneiors (NAPS) boxes for income eligible seniors 60 and over.  Applications are available at the food shelf.

Please bring a current ID if you have one.  We will need the names and birthdates of household members and the gross income for the household.

Bemidji Community Food Shelf (BCFS) is an equal opportunity provider and employer.


P.O. Box 3118 Bemidji, MN 56619

697 3rd Ave S, Motley, MN 56466, USA
8243 Industrial Park Rd NW, Walker, MN, USA

The Walker Area Food Shelf is a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting individuals who are in need of food, striving to preserve dignity, extending respect, and maintaining confidentiality to all clients.  We will educate clients on other services for which they may qualify such as SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), NAPS (Supplemental Assistance Program for Seniors), and other social service programs.

P. O. Box 1101

29316 Patriot Avenue, Pequot Lakes, MN 56472, USA

PO Box 724 Nisswa, MN 56468

2222 Cromell Drive, Grand Rapids, MN 55744, USA

Second Harvest North Central Food Bank, a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization, serves over 100 hunger relief agencies in Aitkin, Cass, Crow Wing, Itasca, Koochiching, Kanabec and Mille Lacs counties in North Central Minnesota. We are located in Grand Rapids and administer several programs that distribute over 4 million pounds of donated and purchased food and grocery products directly to individuals and through agencies that serve the needy. The Food Bank has 15 employees, and over 500 regular volunteers who work daily or on special events.

Second Harvest North Central Food Bank supplies the most basic of human needs – Food. We provide this food to agencies that feed many hungry children, working families, disabled people and the elderly. We are experts at procuring excess food products and distributing them to hungry people. We are at the front lines in advocacy for hunger relief locally, statewide and nationally.

Second Harvest North Central Food Bank serves some of the highest poverty areas in Minnesota. An estimated 17,200 different people per month are served by the Food Bank, about 4,400 different people receive emergency food assistance in any given week. The amount of food distributed by the Food Bank rises each year as the number of people coming to our hunger relief agencies continues to increase.

414 Lincoln Ave SE, Bemidji, MN, USA

The Bemidji Community Soup Kitchen organizes four free meals a week at two area churches. Anyone that is hungry and would like to share a meal is welcome. There are no income guidelines or forms required. The meal is free to anyone who comes through our doors. Thus an open table!

Dine with us Mondays and Tuesdays from 5-6pm (doors open at 4:30pm) at:
​Mount Zion 414 Lincoln Ave SE Bemidji

Dine with us Wednesdays and Thursdays from 5-6pm (doors open at 4:30pm) at:
United Methodist Church 924 Beltrami Ave NW Bemidji

414 Lincoln Ave SE, Bemidji MN 56619 (entrance on 5th St)

A church led ministry and emergency program organized to provide short term assistance for those who fall through the cracks and who need immediate help and have nowhere else to turn in the short run.  In addition to providing financial aid for food, gas, rent, and utility payments, Churches United also assists individuals and families through counseling and referrals to other community agencies and resources.

Mission Statement

Churches United is a non-profit organization of Bemidji Area churches, led by the Spirit of Christ. Working together to meet the emergency needs of homeless and low-income people in a prayerful way.

Services May Include:
Basic emergency needs: Food, gas, bus tokens, clothing, laundry, and rent/utility assistance

Referrals are made as needed to area agency and businesses. A photo I.D. is required for all vouchers. A valid drivers license and photocopiable proof of valid insurance is required for all gas vouchers. Screenshots and/or cell phone “proof” is not accepted.

COVID Policy:

While our lobby is open it is best to call ahead to complete an application by phone prior to coming in. Only one individual or family is allowed in the lobby at once. Please call to make sure we are open. Masks are required in our office; one will be provided if needed. No loitering or waiting for the bus is allowed in our office.

P.O. Box 1967 Bemidji, MN 56619

6 Broadway St E, Akeley, MN, USA



P O BOX 25
AKELEY, MN 56433


2nd Street and Beltrami Ave, Bemidji, MN 56601 (Union Square Parking Lot)

A seasonal, open air farmers market committed to providing customers with fresh, locally grown and harvested produce.  The food is not only fresh but tastes better and by buying locally you are supporting the local economy and reducing the amount of energy used in transportation.  In addition, our vendors use natural growing methods to not only give you better produce but a green and better tomorrow.  All arts and fine crafts are designed and produced locally.  We invite you to visit us and discover a new way to buy produce and other fine locally produced products.  With live music by local musicians, chef’s demonstrations, and other special events we offer a destination that is fun for the whole family.

305 Fir Avenue, Pillager, MN 56473, USA

The Pillager Family Center currently serves as a “go-to” for community members.  With two offices we serve as the liaison between Cass County and the Pillager School District.  Our main office houses our Food Shelf and many County forms and references a community member might need.  In addition we offer teleconference video services with County workers, WIC Clinics, Food Shelf, MAC and NAPS distribution, and serve as an information spot.  Our satellite office is adjacent to the Pillager Elementary School.  From here we coordinate the Little Huskies Daycare, Early Childhood Family Education programs, ECSE, Pre-school, and Head Start.   Because we are so centrally located in two different locations, we are able to meet our communities needs in ways other entities may not.

Parking is available in front of the Family Center doors on the south side of Pillager City Hall.

Satellite Office:

Pillager School
323 E. 2nd Street
Pillager, MN  56473

2500 Bloomington Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55404, USA

At Open Arms, there’s always room for one more at our table.

Our Mission: By providing food as medicine, we nourish our clients and build community.

Our Purpose: We create an inclusive and joyful community to provide high-quality medically tailored meals, nutrition education, and hope to our clients.


It’s a simple notion: people who are sick should not be without food. Yet, every day, our neighbors with life-threatening illnesses find themselves unable to shop or cook — and, often, without the support network to help.

That’s where we come in. Open Arms of Minnesota is a nonprofit organization that prepares and delivers nourishing meals free of charge to critically ill Minnesotans and their loved ones. Our registered dietitians and in-house chefs create delicious, medically tailored menus using fresh and organic ingredients whenever possible. Through the support of a loving community of donors and volunteers, we harvest, cook, and deliver nutritious, made-from-scratch meals directly to our clients.

At Open Arms, we believe that food is medicine, and there’s always room for one more at our table.

245 Barclay Ave, Pine River, MN, United States

Mission-Values: “Strengthening Families and Building a Strong Community”

Vision: “All families have what they need to reach their full potential and contribute to their community” Our work at the Family Center is guided by the following values; respect, integrity, compassion and honesty.

It’s our goal to provide local children and their families the support they need to function as strong, healthy family units. We offer a variety of services, programs and opportunities for families…please browse our site to see how we may be of service to you.

Pine River-Backus Family Center
P.O. Box 1
Pine River, MN 56474
(located downtown Pine River in the Community Resources Center)

824 America Ave NW, Bemidji MN 56601

Peoples Church is a multicultural mission congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, with a special emphasis on outreach to people living in poverty. Ten years ago Pastor Bob Kelly and Carol Kelly–moved by the spiritual and medical needs of the poor and homeless in the Bemidji, Minnesota area–started the ministry.

Peoples Church offers ministries in worship, referral, hospitality, food, clothing, and other basic needs as well as our unique bike ministry. The congregation is a full-fledged member church of the denomination and is noted for its ministries.

In order to stay at People’s Church individuals must be interviewed by Bob Kelly or Julia Plum.

5070 State Highway 84, Longville, MN, USA
6216 Upper Cass Frontage Road Northwest, Cass Lake, MN, United States

Areas Served

Leech Lake Reservation, Cass County, Beltrami County, Hubbard County & Itasca County

Title III. Congregate Meals

Meal provision to an elderly client or other eligible participant at a nutrition site, senior center or some other congregate setting.

Eligibility Requriements

Persons who are 60+ years of age or older and spouse, regardless of age and other eligible individuals.

Documents Requested

  • Proof of age
  • Proof of residency

Intake Procedure

Walk-in or call for more information


None, contributions are accepted.

Guests can eat for the cost of $4.50.


Title III. Home Delivered Meals

Meal provision to an elder or other eligible participant at the client’s place of residence.

Eligibility Requriements

Home delivered meal recipients must be 60 years of age or older, home bound by reason of illness, disability or functional need, and unable to prepare their own meals. Meals may be made available to individuals with disabilities who reside in a non-institutional household with and are accompanied by an individual eligible for congregate meals.

Documents Requested

  • Proof of age
  • Proof of residency

Intake Procedure

Walk-in or call for more information


None, contributions are accepted.


Title VI. Congregate and Home Delivered Meals

Eligibility will include enrolled members of any recognized tribe aged 55-59 years or over within the program service area. Eligibility will include spouse, handicapped or disabled individual in the same household of the eligible participant who accompany participant to a congregate site.

Documents Requested

  • Proof of age
  • Proof of residency

Intake Procedure

Walk-in or call for more information


None, contributions are accepted.


Title VI. Part C – Caregiver Program

Hours 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Native American Family Caregiver Support Program Requirements

Native American Family Caregiver Support Program can serve two types of unpaid family caregivers:

  1. Family caregivers: An adult family member, or another individual, who is an unpaid informal provider of in-home and community care to an older individual or to an individual with Alzheimer’s disease or a related disorder with neurological and organic brain dysfunction.
  2. Grandparents or older individuals who are relative caregivers: A grandparent or step grandparent of a child, or relative of a child by blood marriage, or adoption, who is 55 years of age or older and
    • lives with the child;
    • is the primary caregiver of the child because the biological or adoptive parents are unable or unwilling to serve as the primary caregiver of the child; and
    • has a legal relationship to the child, as such legal custody or guardianship, or is raising the child informally.

The five required services are:

  1. Information to caregivers about available services.
  2. Assistance to caregivers in gaining access to services.
  3. Individual counseling, organization of support groups, and caregivers training to assist the caregivers in the area of health, nutrition, and financial literacy, and in making decisions and solving problems relating to their caregiving roles.
  4. Respite care to enable caregivers of frail elders to be temporarily and intermittently relieved from their cargiving responsibilities.
  5. Supplemental services, on a limited basis, to caregivers of frail elders to complement the care provided by caregivers.

Documents Requested

  • Proof of age
  • Proof of residency

Intake Procedure

Walk-in or call for more information


Satellite Sites

Ball Club ENP
31027 Artic Drive
Ball Club, MN
(218) 246-8537

Bena/Sugar Point ENP
15085 Old Housing Drive
Bena, MN
(218) 665-5313

Cass Lake ENP
6216 Upper Cass Frontage Road
Cass Lake, MN
(Adjacent to Teal’s – across highway 2)
(218) 335-8314

Inger/S. Lake ENP
53736 Co. Rd. 146
Inger, MN
(218) 659-2652

Onigum ENP
8826 Onigum Road
Onigum, MN
(218) 547-3995

12059 Main St, Northome, MN 56661

Serving  Southern Koochiching, Northern Itasca, and Northern Beltrami Counties.

Northome Community Foodshelf serves those within a 20 mile radius of Northome. Located at 12059 Main St, Northome, MN, 56661-8074 (the big green building next to the Post Office)

P.O. Box 236 Northome, MN 56661

Showing 1 - 20 of 29 results